
Evaluation of the project "Green Markets and Sustainable Consumption"

The rainforest in the Amazon region of Brazil is shrinking. Advancing deforestation is releasing greenhouse gases, reducing biodiversity and destroying the settlement areas of traditional population groups. As its contribution to the Paris Climate Agreement, Brazil has therefore set itself the goal of halting illegal deforestation by 2030. It aims to promote sustainable production systems to protect the forest. The main challenge facing many farming cooperatives is gaining access to the market for their products.

The GIZ project “Green Markets and Sustainable Consumption in Brazil” improves the state policy for promoting the marketing of sustainable Amazonian products and is subject to this evaluation. A regional and an international evaluator formed the evaluation team, both with excellent Portuguese and English language skills.

The central project evaluation was conducted in two phases in which madiba took care of preparation, implementation, quality assurance and backstopping. First the inception phase which included a preliminary semi-remote inception mission opened by a kick-off workshop with the project team where the evaluation object is defined, indicators are analyzed, and the stakeholder map is updated. Second the evaluation mission intended to collect the necessary data for the evaluation along the OECD/DAC criteria by conducting interviews with the involved stakeholders. Based on the findings, the evaluation report was published.